Halloween comes twice a year in New York, so if you wander upon a horde fantastical creatures and maidens, strolling down the avenue, take notice that comic con has arrived. A four day event filled with memorabilia vendors, nerd dating services, video movie hawkers and cos play shows. There is so much shit to keep every nerd fetishes entertain for days, and unless your focused on a particular subject, the entire experience can be overwhelming, even frustrating as you try to navigate between shows and seminars. Best to download the comic con app and plan accordingly before you go.
Some snippets of NYCC
Animal planet: Finding Bigfoot
A reality show that really has nothing to do with reality, but certainly has a hard core following, at least with audience I was with. The panel talked a bit with the fans after the presentation. Ranae Holland with a manly handshake is the resident skeptic, although she seems to be pseudo critical, as if it’s just a performance act for the masses. On the other hand Cliff Barack man seem generally enthusiastic about the subject even has a calling card he gave out. I asked about about the onslaught of bigfoot videos on Youtube, and if it hampers any serious research about it, Barack hasn’t an issue with it, the plus side that it keeps the subject going in the public eye.
Breaking into Comics right now:
For those that dream about it, the title alone said it all. Some quick notes, research company, eight page write up with drawings. Avatar comic might be something to look into. Web comics are another option. All in all, just hook up with some like minded individual, pull talents together. One novice artist was looking for a writing partner and more than a few (including myself) volunteered. who said networking doesn’t work.
NYCC Thursday night kick off:
Everyone was on their game except Janeane Garofalo, she seems to wander in without an act.
Meanwhile at the fortress of Solitude……….
Star wars rebels: the might of the empire:
Full house on this panel, but what did you expect when it comes to this particular series, a quick design glimpse for ravenous fans.
CBLDF: The Secret origins of Comic Censorship!
A little history taught by scholar Carol Tilley…….
True blood with Kristin Bakers and Lauren Bowles:
Still wonder why the show was on this long, although the actresses were engaging.
Your opinion sucks! Rotten Tomatoes Critics Vs Fan:
Possibly the biggest disappointment, less of a in depth discussion about the value on film criticisms and its relevance today. Instead the panel dialed it down to what sucks or didn’t suck. Did speak with Owen Gleibman of Entertainment Weekly about the saturation of Internet critics on line, he felt it wasn’t a problem to his position, and counted himself lucky to make a successful career of it.
Get set for NYCC 2014, seeya there.