Off the Beaten Path by Joe Kelly
You know, it seems everyone who interviews creators likes to stick to the formula of asking what they’re currently doing now, and what lies ahead in the future. Maybe one day I’ll reach that point. However, I’m new to the whole interview scene. And, I’d like to try something a little different. Writers and artists are people, too; they have thoughts, opinions and ideas that we never get to hear about when they’re plugging the latest work. So, why not ask them things they might not normally be asked? I decided my trial by fire would be to attend the New York Comic Con and find someone to interview not with a video camera or a digital recorder; I wanted to do it the good ol’ fashioned way. I had a notebook and pen in hand, and four brief, casual questions to ask. While few people had the time to do an interview, one man was kind enough to give me his time. He is the writer on such comics as Deadpool, Action Comics and the critically acclaimed I Kill Giants. He and his group Man of Action are the creators behind such hit animated shows like Ben 10 and Generator Rex. And best of all, he’s a dear friend, Mr. Joe Kelly.
1. Given the chance, if you could write any character or team, which would you choose?
JK: That’s tough! I’ve already written Spider-Man and Superman, Spidey was my absolute favorite of all time. And, I don’t wanna get in trouble, so I’m gonna have to say the Micronauts! Yeah, definitely Micronauts.
2. With the success of I Kill Giants, do you think we’ll ever see a follow up?
JK: There will definitely be another project I’ll be doing with Niimura, but it won’t take place in the same universe as I Kill Giants. It’ll be a new story, but its own separate thing, but with similar elements of drama and comedy.
3. Okay, now let’s get into something more on your tastes. On Facebook, you’ve been talking about what you’ve been reading in your spare time. Can you share the last few books you’ve read?
JK: I’ve been reading Pygmy by Chuck Palahniuk. I’ve also read Role Models by John Waters, which is an interesting memoir and Grand Design by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow.
4. Okay, this is one I like to ask of everyone. In your opinion, gun to your head, you HAD to pick, what would you say is the greatest action movie of all time?
JK: Hmm… that’s a tough one. You know, I’m gonna have to go with Aliens.
Micronauts? Interesting! Another project with Niimura on art? Hell yes! A novel, a memoir and a book on science? How eclectic! And Aliens as the greatest action movie of all time? Certainly ranks in the top three most common answers. A little off the beaten path, you say? I should certainly hope so! Let’s see some other interviewers get answers like this! For those who are interested in Joe Kelly and his work, please check out the Man of Action website at: